Jun 14, 2023Liked by Pamela Garfield-Jaeger

Thank you for attending these conferences and reporting. I don't know how you are able to sit and listen to all this...I would be screaming internally the entire time. These people are terrifying and dangerous.

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I didn’t sleep for two days after this!!

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Jun 17, 2023Liked by Pamela Garfield-Jaeger

I was just googling the California safety code on piercing and tattoos. HSC § 119302 states ...,

“(a) Pursuant to Section 653 of the Penal Code, a client shall be at least 18 years of age to be offered or to receive a tattoo or permanent cosmetics application, regardless of parental consent.

(b) Pursuant to Section 652 of the Penal Code, persons under 18 years of age shall not be offered or receive a body piercing unless the piercing is performed in the presence of his or her parent or guardian.

(c) A client shall be at least 18 years of age to be offered or to receive a branding, regardless of parental consent.

(d) The piercing or application of permanent cosmetics to the nipples or genitals of a minor is prohibited. The application of permanent cosmetics to the nipples of a minor is authorized when applied by a registered permanent cosmetic technician with the consent of the minor's parent or guardian and as directed by a physician.”


It went on. I don’t understand how a child who can’t get their ears pierced without parental consent, can change their name, medically and surgically alter their body in much more harmful ways, without that consent. It is absolutely bazaar.

FYI 2019 was the most current I found, so unless those health codes have changed.

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Those rules are still there. Children can’t use tanning beds either, but they are allowed to get cross sex hormones and surgeries. None of it makes sense.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Pamela Garfield-Jaeger

Diane Ehrensaft has been a child-whispering woo peddler since the Satanic Panic. She's a consequential quack. https://www.thedistancemag.com/p/diane-ehrensaft-satanic-panic-woo

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So crazy!

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This is horrifying. How do people not see the logical inconsistencies in this belief system? I dare anyone with this belief system to define the words “transgender”, “man”, and “woman” in a non-circular way.

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Good for you, Pam, for asking “when a child might not be “true trans”, because that is the question of the day! There is a huge majority of children that the media won’t allow to speak out. This woman obviously has rocks in her head. And I admit that I no longer have sympathy for any adult who believes that puberty blockers are reversible and to allow the surgical mutilation of a child’s body. I also have no sympathy for adults who are encouraging children to keep secrets from their parents. It’s called lying. If these adult involved cannot be honest with us parents, that HUGE red flag needs to be addressed. I am the mother of a detransitioner and she was scared to death of these people because they get hostile if you don’t stay trans. It’s wrong. On every level. I will not bow down to this delusion. Shame on these adults who glorify it. Let our kids be kids and stop filling their heads with your sick agenda.

It’s sickening.

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She is doing tremendous damage to children and families. I believe you should report her to her Board so they are forced to rule on this matter.

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Unfortunately, it's the board that propped her up there. Reporting her is futile. The only thing that will stop this is lawsuits from patients that were harmed. They are coming.

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