I’m currently working on a book for families who are facing gender issues. The book is called “A Practical Response to Gender Distress, Tips and Tools for Families”. I end the book with a long list of resources, which I don’t want to hold back, so here it is:
• The Truthful Therapist www.thetruthfultherapist.org A Parents’ Guide to Mental Health to educate you on how to navigate an ideologically captured mental health system. Online classes available and you can book a 1:1 consultation with me, Pamela Garfield-Jaeger, LCSW so I can help steer you in the right direction. (by author)
• GETA Gender Exploratory Therapy Association A non-profit organization that provides information and resources to families affected by gender dysphoria and the therapists who treat them. (has a list of gender critical therapists): www.genderexploratory.com
• Genspect Our international organization includes professionals, trans people, detransitioners and parent groups who work together to advocate for a non-medicalized approach to gender diversity: genspect.org
• Inspired Teen Therapy Parent and parent coaching for adolescent-onset gender issues with Sasha Ayad, M.ED., LPC : InspiredTeenTherapy.com
• Parent advice group by Sasha Ayad, M, ED, LPC: https://www.subscribestar.com/sashalpc
• Thoughtful Therapists We have come together with a shared concern about the impact of gender identity ideology on children and young people. We want to protect the integrity of the open-ended exploration of thoughts and feelings that has always been, and still is now, the basis of ethical and effective therapy. (UK and Ireland): thoughtfultherapists.org
• Gender Dysphoria Support Network Offers support to families of individuals affected by gender dysphoria. The GDSN offers regular online emotional support, allowing sharing of experiences in order to resolve common challenges.: genderdysphoriasupportnetwork.com
• Parents of ROGD Kids We are a group of parents whose children have suddenly—seemingly out of the blue—decided they identify strongly with the opposite sex and are at various stages in transitioning: parentsofROGDKids.org
• 4th Wave Now A community of people who question the medicalization of gender-atypical youth: www.4thwavenow.com
• Gender Dissent (in Canada) Exposing the money and influence behind the gender industry in Canada: www.genderdissent.com
• Advocates Protecting Children A non-profit organization dedicated to fighting the gender industry , and especially its predation on children in the form of unethical social and medical transition for the sake of political and financial profit.: advocatesprotectingchildren.org
• Partners for Ethical Care A secular, non-partisan, all volunteer, grassroots nonprofit organization comprised of individuals from across the globe. Our mission is to raise awareness and support efforts to stop the unethical treatment of children by schools, hospitals and mental and medical healthcare providers under the duplicitous banner of gender identity affirmation: partnersforethicalcare.com
• Affirming Reality Desistance Coaching with Gabriella Clark: www.affirmingreality.com
• Gender Health Query To prevent the over-medicalization of gender nonconforming youth. To prevent harm resulting from medical treatments on trans-identified minors: genderhq.org
• Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT) Stories from families who were impacted by gender ideology: pitt.substack.com
•Gender Critical Support Board Run for parents and families by parents and families who share the experience of coping with a child, teenager or young adult who believes he or she is transgender. We are critical of the phenomenon of transgender youth growing at epidemic rates: https://gendercriticalresources.com/
• Gender Dysphoria Alliance Our mission: Inform the conversation about Gender Dysphoria. Explain why evidence-based care is so important. Include people who detranistion, regret or desist. Support sex-based rights: genderdysphoriaalliance.com
• Our Duty An evidence-based organization that connects parents of children with transgender ideation, a set of ideas that prevents them from being transgender. It provides peer support, information, professional help, education and advocacy for parents of children with this ideation. Support in the U.S., Canada, the U.K, and Australia: www.ourduty.group
• Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine SEGM promotes safe, compassionate, ethical and evidence-informed healthcare for children, adolescents and young adults with gender dysphoria: segm.org
• Rethink Identity Medicine Ethics A non-profit education and research organization dedicated to improving ethical long-term care and treatment for gender non-conforming children and youth: www.rethinkime.org
• The Paradox Institute An independent science education group focused on helping people learn about the biology of sex and the differences between males and females: www.theparadoxinstitute.com
• The Manhattan Institute A community of scholars, journalists, activists, and civic leaders dedicated to advancing opportunity, individual liberty and the rule of law in America and its great cities. www.manhattaninstitute.org
• Biological Integrity Integrating the Mind and Body The Biological Integrity Initiative website links parents to physicians, and counselors who can assist them. www.biologicalintegrity.com
• Cardinal Support Network If you are a parent, family member or friend whose loved one is struggling with gender dysphoria, adolescent onset gender dysphoria, or the detransitioning journey, you have come to the right place. We come from a variety of backgrounds and are a non partisan and non-religious group: www.cardinalsupportnetwwork.com
• Transgender Trend (UK) Advocated for the most vulnerable children wo are caught up in the recent trend in society to replace objective reality of sex with the subjective idea of ‚gender identity‘ as the criteria for being a man or a woman: transgendertrend.com
• Dr. Lisa Littman A physician scientist who coined the tern Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD). You can read about her research at: www.littmanresearch.com
• Miriam Grossman, MD Child, Adolescent and Adult psychiatrist, Author, and International Public Speaker “My profession captured. My colleagues spineless. Educators corrupted. Children sacrificed. Families destroyed. Civilization dismantled.” www.miriamgrossmanMD.com
• Critical Therapy Antidote “Protecting the healing ethos of traditional therapies.” www.criticaltherapyantidote.org
• Do No Harm Medicine Do No Harm fights for individual patients-and against identity politics. (You can make an anonymous report of malpractice): www.donoharmmedicine.org
• Beyond Trans Support for detransitioners via Genspect: www.beyondtrans.org
• The Open Therapy Institute Advice for the Detransitioner Community: opentherapyinstitute.org
• Metamorphosis 100 Portraits of detransitioned women/females and their words: www.metamorphosis100.com
• LGBAlliance LGBA is dedicated to protecting and advancing he rights of lesbians, gay men and bisexuals: www.lgbausa.org
• Gays Against Groomers We are an organization of gays and others in the community who oppose the sexualization, indoctrination and medicalization of minors: www.gaysagainstgroomers.com
• Sex Change Regret Walt Heyer writes, “I detransitioned more than 25 years ago. I learned the truth. Hormones and surgery may alter appearances, but nothing changes the immutable fact of your sex. I met a wonderful woman who didn’t care about the changes to my body and we’ve been married for over 20 years. Now we help others whose lives have been derailed by sex change.” sexchangeregret.com
• ROGD Father ROGD stands for “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria”. I would like to do something to help by providing a concise guide to the complexity of Gender Ideology: www.rogdfather.com
• Post Trans Post Trans is a collection of detrans stories from female detransitioners and desisters: www.post-trans.com
• The 11th Hour Investigative journalism about the profit motives behind transgender medicine) www.the11thhourblog.com
• Reality’s Last Stand A publication by evolutionary biologist Dr. Colin Wright. Holding the line on free speech, science, and reality: www.realityslaststand.com
• Reduxx Magazine Investigative journalism on the issue of gender and safeguarding of women’s spaces: https://redux.info
National Directory for Conservative Therapists and Mental Health Professionals: www.conservativeprofessionals.com
Conservative Counselors: www.conservativecounselors.com
Legal Resources
• Transition Justice We connect detransitioners and others negatively affected by gender medicine with legal assistance: www.transitionjustice.org
• Child and Parental Rights Campaign As a non-partisan, nonprofit public interest law firm, the Child and Parental Rights Campaign was founded to respond to a radical new ideology overtaking families and threatening the well-being of children and the fundamental rights of parents: https://childparentrights.org/
• Alliance Defending Freedom The world’s largest legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of life, marriage, and family parental rights: www.adflegal.com
• Parents Defending Education A national grassroots organization working to reclaim our schools from activists promoting harmful agendas: www.defendinged.org
• CMP; Campbell Miller Payne Justice for the Detransitioner Community: www.cmppllc.com
Products and resources that will help you manage internet access
• Protect Young Eyes: https://protectyoungeyes.com/
• Defend Young Minds: https://www.defendyoungminds.com/
• Wait Until The 8th: https://www.waituntil8th.org/
Smart phone alternatives:
• Gabb Wireless: www.gabbwireless.com
• My Tic Talk: https://www.myticktalk.com/ Pinwheel Phone: www.pinwheel.com
Homeschool/Education Resources
• Teva Johnstone A Therapist’s Guide to Homeschool: www.tevajohnstone.com
• Classical Conversations Our Christ-centered homeschool curriculum is rooted in the classical model and is in tune with the way children naturally learn: www.classicalconversations.com
• Inner Parent Coaching with Ann Hansen, M.S. C-IAYT Specializing in development, nervous system regulation and homeschool support: www.innerparentcoaching.com
• Let Them Go Barefoot with Missy Exploring child development and well-being, education, parent-child relationships, and family systems through a mindful awareness: www.letemgobarefoot.com
• Sam Sorbo Education Freedom Advocate Sam’s mission is to help parents and their children emancipate from our modern school system: www.samsorbo.com
• Courage is a Habit Actionable tools and strategies for parents to defend their children from indoctrination in K-12: www.courageisahabit.org
• Brenda 4 Kids The purpose of Brenda4Kids is to pull back the curtain on what’s really going on in public education: www.brenda4kids.com
***This list keeps growing!
Pamela Garfield-Jaeger is a licensed clinical social worker in California. She completed her MSW in 1999 from New York University. She has a variety of experience in schools, group homes, hospitals and community-based organizations as a clinician and supervisor. Since getting fired for not getting the C*VID vaccine, she has dedicated herself to educate parents and embolden other mental health professionals to challenge the ideological capture of her profession.
For more detailed information on how to empower yourself as a parent and navigate the mental health field, see the Parents' Guide to Mental Health.
“A Practical Guide to Gender Distress, Tips and tools For Families”
Your resource list is excellent! Thank you for it! How about adding to legal resources themisresourcefund.org
Themis connects detransitioners to attorneys and provides financial support for some Detransitioner lawsuits.
What about this one? Stats for Gender https://statsforgender.org/